Industrial Infrastructures and Open Innovation Ecosystems

3 April 2019
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Increasingly companies across the EU need access to open innovation ecosystems, to assist upscaling new technologies, product testing and validation support. Industrial research infrastructures, whether public, semi-public or private, refer to facilities, equipment and support services that address innovation across the entire value chain.

The cost of such open innovation ecosystems and their associated infrastructures can be very high, especially for SMEs and start-ups. Therefore the European Commission, Member States and regions, all collaborate on various open innovation tools to support fast-cycle development of new products and facilitation of market uptake: Digital Innovation Hubs, Open Innovation Test Beds, Centres for Key Enabling Technologies (KETs and regional centres), among others.

The Slovenian Business & Research Association and the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation coorganised Boosting Innovation for EU Industry conference, which took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on the 3 April 2019! Discussions focused on future actions targeting a pan-European industrial ecosystem. The main objective of the conference was to present different EU national and regional initiatives to support innovation, access to industrial infrastructure and financial support to boost innovation beyond 2020.

The conference showcased several excellent examples of innovation support with special emphasis on Slovenia and the wider region, provided feedback to high level EU representatives and discussed the needs of the local industry.

More so, it provided a great opportunity for networking and matchmaking between companies, research institutes, universities, laboratories, agencies, clusters and other institutions from Slovenia and the wider region.

All the photos from the conference are available here!


Please download the programme here.

Registration to the conference and the matchmaking session was organised via the b2match platform!

All inquiries regarding the conference, please contact: Ms. Maja Ferlinc via or Mr. Bostjan Sinkovec via


For additional videos from the conference, please visit our YouTube page by clicking here.